Bifet Preamp PCB

BiFet Preamp PCB v1.0

BiFet Preamp PCB


Compare to the DOD™ FX10 Bi-Fet

In Stock


Based on the DOD™ FX10 Bi-Fet Preamp. The FX10 was designed as a electric-acoustic preamp but a lot of people are using them with electric guitar as a clean boost.  CMOS bypass has been removed so you can use true bypass.

PCB Dimensions: 44.5 mm x 31.8 mm

v2.0 - Made PCB smaller. Fits 1590B with top mounted jacks. Works with 3PDT Breakout PCB

Tayda Electronics Drill Template for v2.0

Mouser: Parts List - All parts except potentiometers. Check notes for LED CLR.

Griffin Effects: 3PDTJacksLED / Potentiometers

Part lists were created choosing the best possible parts and availability at the time. Please report any mistakes, end of life, or out of stock to us to help future builders.