Mouser parts list bom for byo projects - Griffin Effects

Mouser Parts List Being Added!

Mouser Parts List Being Added!

Parts lists for Mouser are being added to our BYO PCB's!

We know it sucks hunting down all the parts and what's worse is having to order from 4 or 5 different places to get them all. We also know it's hard for a lot of people to navigate Mouser to try and find the correct parts. Now we do that for you.

In order to provide you with parts with the least amount of places to order from, we are starting to add Mouser parts lists to the product pages of our BYO PCB's. We'll add as many parts as we can that they stock and any parts they don't have we'll either try and stock or let you know where to get them.

In the future we may add Digikey parts lists also for those who prefer Digikey.

Mouser Parts Lists Completed:

Vintage Treble Boost

FX33 Buzz King

SCH-1 Chorus